Miscela 1961

Golden Jubilee

Loose leaf black tea

Leaf tea 50 grams bag

In an ideal travel between two of the major tea producing countries, India and ceylon, this blend summarizes the history of the brand, resulting in an intense and aromatic cup with citrus fruit flavour, reinterpreting tradition with contemporary sensitivity and passion. A very italian tea passion. Since 1961.

Our commitment for sustainability

Not available

€ 6.50

Aroma/Fragrance: Citrous
Color: Chestnut Brown
Flavour: Round,Incisive, Dominant Bergamot Notes

2,5 gr x 200 cc. of water at a temperature of 90°C. Leave in infusion for 3 minutes

Black Teas (Sri Lanka, India), Orange Peel, Flavours, Raspberry, Marigold Petals

Two outstanding tea blends, one with green teas and the other with black teas, celebrate the 50°th anniversary of La Via del Tè, with an elegant and refined packaging perfectly balanced between tradition and innovation.